T Cell Expressed CD40L Potentiates the Bone Anabolic Activity of Intermittent PTH Treatment


Jerid W. Robinson, Jau-Yi Li, Lindsey D. Walker, Abdul Malik Tiyagi, Michael Reott, Mingcan Yu, Jonathan Adams, M. Neale Weitzmann, and Roberto Pacifici


T cells are known to potentiate the bone anabolic activity of intermittent parathyroid hormone (iPTH) treatment. One of the involved mechanisms is increased T cell secretion of Wnt10b, a potent osteogenic Wnt ligand that activates Wnt signaling in stromal cells (SCs). However, additional mechanisms might play a role, including direct interactions between surface receptors expressed by T cells and SCs. Here we show that iPTH failed to promote SC proliferation and differentiation into osteoblasts (OBs) and activate Wnt signaling in SCs of mice with a global or T cell-specific deletion of the T cell costimulatory molecule CD40 ligand (CD40L). Attesting to the relevance of T cell expressed CD40L, iPTH induced a blunted increase in bone formation and failed to increase trabecular bone volume in CD40L-/- mice and mice with a T cell-specific deletion of CD40L. CD40L null mice exhibited a blunted increase in T cell production of Wnt10b and abrogated CD40 signaling in SCs in response to iPTH treatment. Therefore, expression of the T cell surface receptor CD40L enables iPTH to exert its bone anabolic activity by activating CD40 signaling in SCs and maximally stimulating T cell production of Wnt10b.

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